day 29
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Day 29/50 • "Turn Back Time Tuesday"
​For a long time, I felt older than I was. When I was 15, I felt 18. The following years I felt 24. And then 27. I was always pushing myself to be more, do more. I saw myself living the life I wanted probably more than I saw myself for who I was at that moment.
That went on until I was about forty. I then stopped looking so far ahead and started enjoying my present more.
But here I am, dreaming again. As you saw on my list from Day 19, there's a world of things on my mind about the future. Even though I've learned it's better to get my footing from today, I can't help but think about where I want to be standing in the coming years.
As a kid, I learned how to dream. I learned how to conjure a life for myself ahead of the one I was living. So I’m trying to find a balance. I want a better world for all of us. I can see it, and I know we’re capable of living it. But I don’t want to miss this extraordinary moment right now. Because it, truthfully, is all we have.