day 43
To contact Prentiss
regarding sales or commissions, please email here, text or call 205.602.7030. Thanks!

Day 43/50 • "Turn Back Time Tuesday"
Remember that time when I decided I'd have an online virtual art show? And I thought, "Yeah, that'll keep me busy and occupy my quarantine time. But will people follow it? Will I be able to do fifty pieces?? What will I paint? What will people think? I better get more art supplies!"
Well, here we are...Day 43! One week left to go! I pushed through all the questions and took a chance on all of this. And I couldn't be more grateful to everyone who has followed along with me. Thank you!
I'm super excited to share the next 7 days with you. And then, just like that...I'll be fifty.
: )
I hope you'll be able to schedule a private viewing of the work at Cloud Tree Gallery! It would be amazing to see you there. Thanks for following this project and for all of your support!